Hire – useful information


OCC has ten x 1830mm x 760mm GoPak folding tables, and a further four x 915mm x 760mm GoPak folding tables. These are typically stored on a trolley in the main hall, but are also used in our large meeting room.


OCC has 16 x padded chairs with arms, and 61 blue plastic chairs. These are typically stored at the end of the main hall (on the left as you enter) and in the large meeting room (on the left wall as you enter).


From experience, each 1830mm table seats two people very comfortably along each long end. If the tables are in a long row, then 2.5 people per table is fine, three people starts to be a squeeze (but is fine for younger children). Other options are to have the tables spaced individually, in which case five is comfortable, six per table achievable (two on each long side, one at either end)

Hall – electrical sockets

We have a double electrical socket near the main doors (on the left as you enter).

We have a double electrical socket at the far end (near the middle of the wall). This is needed if the projector is in use, in which case the audio kit has an extension socket in it). The projector uses one socket, the audio kit extension socket uses the other, but adds three spare sockets.

We have a single socket in the far right corner as you enter.

We have a double electrical socket next to the kitchen hatch (this socket has two x USB A charge sockets, each rated 2.5A).

There is a double electrical socket just inside the kitchen hatch, accessible from the hall. One of these typically supplies the urn (if used). These sockets may not be accessible in the future when a shutter is installed in the hatch opening (for fire safety purposes)


Full fibre broadband is accessible in the main hall and both meeting rooms. Access is via a guest SSID (you will need to click through to accept terms and conditions) and does not require a password.

For long term use, there is an SSID with password provided to hirers or on request. This may need to be used if connecting smart speakers etc (as these devices will be unable to view / accept the T’s & C’s on the guest SSID).


Please ensure that children are kept out of the kitchen AT ALL TIMES – it is not a suitable environment for children as there can be multiple hazards.

We encourage use of the kitchen – there is a charge for use of the cooker, see booking page.

The kitchen is used twice a week by Oughtrington Luncheon Club, who are responsible for their maintaining their own food hygiene. As such, most of the kitchen equipment is locked away. We can arrange access on request, on condition that all items are washed, dried and LEFT OUT for the Luncheon Club team to check & put away. The exception here is for tea & coffee mugs that are freely available, though please wash, dry & return these after use.

Fridge / freezers

There is a small domestic fridge available for hirer use. Please remove all items at the end of the hire.

There are two chest freezers that are available on request – these currently powered off, we are happy to power on in advance of a hire.


The cooker MUST be requested at hire – we may not be able to provide access without prior notice (literally – the gas shut of system requires a key).

The commercial cooker has 8 burners, one large double oven and one large single oven (the burners and ovens are all gas fuelled). If requested we will take hirers through the start up & shut down process at the start of the hire.


The main hall & kitchen have their own boiler & heating controls, with air blowers to heat the spaces, Heat programmes are are set in advance, typically heating the hall to 18.5C for children’s parties, 19.5C for hires where people are largely sitting still, and 20C for luncheon club. Hirers can adjust the set point by + / – 3C – there are instructions next to the thermostats.

The meeting rooms, lobby & toilets have a separate boiler & heating controls, using underfloor heating. The nature of the system means that it takes 2-3 hours from calling for heat until the room starts to warm and up to 8 hours to heat a room from ‘cold’ – due to this the heating controls are locked down and set in advance, and cannot be altered at the thermostat. We are happy to take feedback and amend the set temperatures.

Car park

The car park has space for 30 cars. Please be aware that OCC is a mixed use venue, and other hirers or users may be coming and going unless expressly agreed. The car park is used by the Pre-school, visitors to the Community Orchard and others.

All cars are parked at the owners risk.

Field & Community Orchard

The field is available for use by hirers, though we request that it is booked. We can hire the field separately, with or without access to the building & toilets.

The field has gated access onto the Bridgewater Canal towpath – this gate is kept locked, but can be unlocked by request.

The Community Orchard is accessed through the OCC car park (but is not part of our property).


The ladies & gents toilets are opposite the hall main doors. There is a disabled loo off the main reception area, with a baby change table and nappy bin. The disable loo has an alarm cord that sounds a buzzer outside the toilet door, and in the main hall (with cancel buttons in the loo & outside the loo, above the loo door).

Video tips

We’ve got LED lights installed throughout the centre, but this can provide a problem when shooting video at children’s parties etc – these lights can introduce annoying flicker or banding on video. If you are intending to take video, then it’s worth planning ahead and adjusting video recording settings (usually on your phone!) – mains electricity oscillates 50 times per second (50Hz), so setting your phone to record video at 25Hz / 25 frames per second (fps) or in multiples (50 fps etc) will reduce or remove the flicker. Clearly turning off the lights will also work, if the daylight is bright enough. You can see the effect of flicker on our hall floor restoration video – this can be removed post-production, but needs specific & very non-free tools!

Photos will not be affected by flicker (though viewing ‘live view’ ‘photos’ may result in flicker / banding)

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