Online booking
OCC have implemented an online booking system to help increase utilisation of our facilities. The system is hosted by Hallmaster.co.uk, and is embedded in our website at www.oughtrington.co.uk/book We are working with our regular hirers to validate their regular slots (particularly around school holiday periods when have good availability). Users can still call us /…
Water main & inspection chamber covers
We’ve been completing some essential maintenance over the half term break (whilst pre-school and many of our users have a well earned break) – we’ve replaced a section of water main using a mole (to save the amount of digging required), and had two inspection chamber covers replaced (one was collapsing, one – with a…
Drains, gutters and downpipes
We looked at an cleared some of the gutters today, having noticed issues with them overflowing and leaking. Not the most pleasant of jobs, but satisfying to have resolved a number of issues. a couple of the highlights – a tennis ball was at the top of one of the downpipes within the guttering –…
Save the Date: Oughtrington Community Centre AGM, 29 November, 2023 – 7:30pm
Save the Date for the Oughtrington Community Centre AGM Date: Wednesday, 29 November, 2023 Time: 7:30 PM Address: 1 Oughtrington Cres, Lymm WA13 9JD *New members welcome* Limited parking available, so carshare, walk or cycle if you can! Agenda Highlights: (*AOB – please raise with OCC by email / letter before Sunday 26th November 2023)…
Fire safety
We’ve been working with local company ACE Fire Safety Solutions to install a new Fire Alarm system at the Centre, following an external audit of controls and systems. The new system protects the whole building including the Pre-School rooms and the unfinished upstairs area. We were really impressed standard of installation completed by Alan of…
Water Leak no more – APH Plumbing & Heating to the Rescue!
July 2023 – Visitors during the recent dry weather (there really has been some!) may have noticed the puddle at the end of our drive at Oughtrington Community Centre… It turned out that this was actually a leaking water main, on our side of the stop tap (our problem to resolve). In the short term,…