July 2023 – Visitors during the recent dry weather (there really has been some!) may have noticed the puddle at the end of our drive at Oughtrington Community Centre… It turned out that this was actually a leaking water main, on our side of the stop tap (our problem to resolve). In the short term, we’ve fixed the affected pipe – we need to repair the inspection chamber, which is a larger job.
We also found our water meter (!) and once the leak was resolved, were able to take a reading for the first time in a while. The chamber appears to filled up with water after prolonged or heavy rain, likely due to fairly high groundwater levels.
This is one of a long list of repairs and maintenance tasks being tackled right now by the new board of Trustees, to ensure the Oughtrington Community Centre can be a safe and enjoyable place for all our members.
Stay tuned for more updates, plans and and maintenance projects in the pipeline.
Many thanks to Adam of APH Plumbing and Heating for this fix!