Luncheon Club

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Our Luncheon Club User Group at Oughtrington Community Centre has served the community for nearly four decades.

Oughtrington Luncheon Club provides refreshments, fun activities and a much-appreciated space to socialise for elderly, vulnerable and isolated people in Lymm, Oughtrington & Heatley.

Oughtrington Luncheon Club is reopening after the Easter 2024 break – we will be running on amended days of Tuesdays and Fridays.

Please note that initially we may not be offering hot meals – we will confirm details of what to expect.

If you have any questions, wish to put yourself forward as a volunteer please contact us or call on 01925 754178 and we will get back to you.

Please contact us if you’d like to join us (or would like to assist a family member or friend to join us) – call us on 01925 75 4178 or email us at

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